Significant Digits in Calculations

Every measurement has an uncertainty. When you give directions to your house, you might give distances with a certain amount of give and take. For example, you might tell a person to turn "five miles after the stoplight." Do you mean five miles plus or minus an inch? Or maybe five miles plus or minus a quarter mile?

In chemistry (like in most other fields!) we concern ourself with the size of that plus/minus interval. Just how big it is will determine how many significant digits there are in a result.

For example, when someone writes 4.5332 g they are implying that the number of grams is known to +/- 0.0001 gram. If that mass were to be compared to another mass of say 43.23 g (which as written is implied to be known to +/- 0.01 g) we would say that the uncertainty in the second mass is larger than in the first. So there would be no point in reporting the sum of the two masses to any smaller uncertainty than +/- 0.01 g. So claiming that the sum was 47.7632 g (+/- 0.01 g) would be silly since the last two digits obviously have no meaning. The correct way of reporting the sum would be to round the result to the correct uncertainty of +/- 0.01 g.

Rule: When adding or subtracting values, always retain the largest uncertainty in the result.

Here is an example.

Example: A beaker is weighed and found to have a mass of 78.45 g. A sample of sodium chloride is added to the beaker and the beaker is weighed again using a different balance. The NaCl plus the beaker are found to have a mass of 79.6743 g. What is the mass of the sodium chloride?
Solution: First, take the difference to get the mass of the sodium chloride:

    79.7643 g         (mass of beaker and NaCl)
  - 78.45   g       - (mass of beaker         )
    ---------         -------------------------
     3.3143 g         (mass of            NaCl)

Next, round to the correct number of significant digits:

     3.3143 g  ==>   3.31 g

Note: We can retain only those decimal places that the uncertainty allows. In this case, +/- 0.01 g for the mass of the beaker meant we needed to round to the nearest hundredth of a gram.

Sample Problems

A student weighs a vial of KHP on an anylytical balance and finds the mass of the vile plus the KHP to be 6.4597 g. She then weighs the empty vile on a top loading balance and finds the mass of the vile to be 5.97 g. What is the mass of the KHP in the vile?
0.48970 g 0.4897 g 0.490 g 0.49 g 0.5 g
A sample of some compound is separated into two piles A and B. The mass of pile A is determined to be 59.78 g using a top loading balance. The mass of sample B is determined as 63.1046 g using the analytical balance. What is the total mass to the correct number of significant digits?
122.8846 g 122.885 g 122.88 g 122.9 g 123 g
A student mixes two beakers of liquid. She determined the volume of one beaker using graduated cylinder to be 45.8 mL. She used the density of the liquid and the mass to determine the volume of the second beaker to be 7.432 mL. Assuming no change in volume due to mixing, what should she report for the total volume?
53 mL 53.2 mL 53.23 mL 53.230 mL 53.2300 mL

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Patrick E. Fleming
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
California State University, East Bay